
I would make clear that we will review it

Boehner unswayed by Portman's switch on gay marriage

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner said on Sunday he cannot imagine ever supporting gay marriage even though Senator Rob Portman, his friend and fellow Ohio Republican, very publicly reversed his opposition last week.

Portman became the most prominent Republican lawmaker to back same-sex marriage, doing so two years after his son told him he is gay.

"Rob is a great friend and a long-time ally," Boehner, the top Republican in Congress, told ABC's "This Week."

"I believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman. It's what I grew up with. It's what I believe. It's what my church teaches me. And I can't imagine that position would ever change," added Boehner, who is a Roman Catholic.

Portman served as U.S. trade representative and White House budget director under Republican President George W. Bush.

President Barack Obama last year announced his support for gay marriage. Nine of the 50 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. permit it. The Supreme Court is due to hear oral arguments this month in two gay marriage cases.

The Republican Party has become increasingly split on gay marriage, with some arguing that socially conservative positions such as opposition to same-sex marriage are contributing to the party's election losses.

"We conservatives believe in personal liberty and minimal government interference in people's lives," Portman wrote in a newspaper opinion piece on Friday. "... One way to look at it is that gay couples' desire to marry doesn't amount to a threat but rather a tribute to marriage, and a potential source of renewed strength for the institution."

On another contentious issue, Boehner declined to promise that the Republican-controlled House would hold a vote on any gun control measure passed by the Democratic-controlled Senate.

"If they pass something, I would make clear that we will review it," Boehner said, stopping short of promising a vote.

Obama is seeking new measures to curb gun violence after the December massacre of 20 children and six adults by a gunman at a Connecticut elementary school. A Senate committee has approved four gun measures but their prospects in the full Senate are less clear.

(Reporting by Will Dunham; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)

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often drives the outcomes of presidential elections.

Mayor of Peru's capital appears to survive recall vote: exit polls

LIMA (Reuters) - The mayor of Peru's capital appeared to survive a recall vote on Sunday, three exit polls showed, narrowly defeating traditional power brokers who tried to oust her from power in Lima before a presidential election in 2016.

An Ipsos exit poll showed 52.6 percent of voters want mayor Susana Villaran to finish her four-year term, compared with 47.4 percent who voted for her removal.

Other exit polls by the survey firms Datum and CPI showed similar results, but Villaran's opponents did not concede defeat and a recount is possible as the election was close.

Official results will be announced on Monday.

"Today Lima won, we all won," Villaran said in a speech after the exit polls were released.

Her showing in the polls reassured fellow left-of-center politicians. They viewed the recall campaign as driven by conservative parties jockeying for sway in the 2016 presidential election, when President Ollanta Humala cannot run for a second straight term.

Lima, with a third of Peru's population, often drives the outcomes of presidential elections.

"Congratulations, Susana. We are proud to have bet as always for decency and democratic consolidation," former President Alejandro Toledo said on Twitter.

Villaran, the first woman ever elected as mayor of Lima and the first leftist to hold that office in decades, spent months defending her two-year old administration as an alliance of conservative politicians, evangelical leaders and informal food and transportation workers said she was too inept to be allowed to finish her term.

Only a week ago, polls showed she would lose the recall vote in the city of 8 million - a reminder of the volatile nature of voter sentiment in Peru.

In the final days of campaigning, Villaran warned that big public works projects and private investment in concessions would face further delays if she were forced from office.

Lima, which was the base of the Spanish empire in the Americas and has hundreds of pre-Columbian ruins, needs infrastructure investments of about $37 billion, according to some estimates.

Villaran had angered opponents by emphasizing gay rights and trying to rein in the vast and largely unregulated informal economy.

"This will allow Lima to deepen and accelerate the reforms we've been working on for the past two years so that our city becomes more orderly, modern and just," Villaran said.

She also promised to address the needs of Lima's most vulnerable residents after as the recall campaign exposed strong opposition to her administration in poor districts where residents are demanding roads, water and sewage services.

(Reporting By Marco Aquino and Omar Mariluz, Writing by Mitra Taj; Editing by Terry Wade and Christopher Wilson)

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harassing native wildlife and turning watering holes into pigsties.

$1M pilot project aims to take out feral pigs
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    ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — Using the cover of darkness, feral pigs have learned to outsmart even the most seasoned hunters as they set about on their nightly terrors, rooting up crops and suburban gardens, harassing native wildlife and turning watering holes into pigsties.

    The invasive porkers have made themselves at home across more than three quarters of the U.S. and are responsible for an estimated $1.5 billion in damages each year. Most worrisome is their ability to learn from each encounter with a frustrated human.

    Ask anyone who has had a run-in with feral pigs. The conversation always circles back to intelligence.

    "They're much brighter than I am," said Ray Powell, a veterinarian and New Mexico's land commissioner. "If they had the dexterity, they'd be driving vehicles around. I mean these guys are really smart."

    Feral pigs have already taken over Texas and are expanding their numbers in other states, but federal and state land managers think they have a chance to tip the balance in New Mexico. They're willing to bet $1 million in federal funds on a yearlong pilot project aimed at eradicating the pigs and using what they learn here to keep them from gaining a foothold elsewhere.

    It marks the first time the U.S. Department of Agriculture has teamed up with a state to develop a comprehensive plan for getting rid of the pigs.

    A small army of state and federal employees has been trained to stalk, trap and kill New Mexico's feral pigs. Various techniques have been used by wildlife managers and landowners for decades in the fight against feral swine, but the New Mexico team is focusing on determining what combination works best in which circumstances and how effectively helicopters can be to track the pigs across vast landscapes.

    "We're trying to get ahead of the curve with this so we can prevent a lot of the damage that we know will be coming if we don't do anything about it," said USDA Wildlife Services state director Alan May. "Sport hunting pressure alone won't be enough to stop a population from spreading."

    Timing is a big part of the project, said UDSA undersecretary Edward Avalos. Hitting the pigs quickly will prevent them from becoming more educated, he said.

    Pigs have been known to scope out traps for days before sending in the group's lowest ranking members to test for danger. And if a trap isn't built just right, the pigs will find a way out, either by climbing over each other or squeezing under the fencing.

    The plan calls for building special traps in strategic locations along with stalking the pigs at night.

    The team will also be looking to the "Judas pig" for help. After trapping a family of pigs, all but one — usually an adult female — are shot and killed. The Judas pig is then fitted with a radio collar or microchip so it can be tracked as it looks for another group of pigs to hang out with.

    This is important since feral pigs are quite elusive. Rarely seen during the day, they have learned to avoid being taken down by rifles or suckered into traps.

    Their intelligence, in combination with their ability to mate year-round, is what has enabled wild pigs to evade capture and take over prairies, mountain valleys and rugged deserts from Canada to Mexico.

    The wild pig population in the U.S. has ballooned to more than 5 million. In one year alone, federal managers trapped and killed more than 32,000 pigs from 28 states and collected thousands of samples to check for the nearly three dozen diseases feral pigs are capable of carrying and passing on to humans, livestock and other wildlife.

    Introduced by Spanish explorers centuries ago, pigs began to expand their range. Hunters complicated matters by importing Eurasian boars to the U.S. for sport. Generations in the wild, the pigs have evolved into "survivors," willing to eat just about anything and capable of traversing some of the most rugged territory.

    Ranchers and farmers have complained for years about the damage feral pigs can cause, but federal and state officials said the loss of crops, the spread of noxious weeds as the pigs carry seeds to new spots and the stress they put on endangered species and other wildlife is now worse due to a persistent drought that has hammered two-thirds of the country.

    New Mexico is embarking on its third straight year of drought, water supplies have dipped to record lows, farmers and ranchers are struggling, and there are now signs of feral swine in 22 of the state's 33 counties.

    "Here, it's a new problem," said Bidegain, who has seen pig numbers in his area grow from zero to nearly 300 over the last two years. "You research, read stuff on the Internet and watch videos of how other guys are trying to do it. It's almost like you have to stalk them for two months before you figure out how they operate."

    Bidegain has to watch for big potholes left behind by the pigs to keep from damaging his tractor. Nearby, Quay County rancher Bill Humphries said the pigs were responsible for leaving "bomb craters everywhere" along a quarter-mile stretch of road on his family ranch. On other ranches, pigs have learned to break the floats in stock tanks to keep water flowing for their mud baths.

    In Mississippi, peanut farmers often wake to find uprooted plants. In Texas, where there are an estimated 2.6 million pigs, the animals have moved from destroying pastures and crops to tearing up suburban gardens.

    Texans spend about $7 million a year on trying to control pigs and repair some of the damage, said Billy Higginbotham, a professor and wildlife specialist at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center.

    "We're not like New Mexico, Nebraska or Kansas, for example, where we're just beginning to get a few and can probably think in terms of eradication," he said. "What we're simply trying to do here is not even use the "e'' word — eradication — but to think in terms of managing the damage."

    Wildlife managers had complained for years about a lack of manpower and money to fight the growing pig problem. Now, they say the pilot program will enable them to systematically take out populations that are centered along the Canadian and Pecos rivers in eastern New Mexico, in the Bootheel and along the Middle Rio Grande, home to thousands of acres of irrigated farmland.

    Feral pigs are also moving into southeastern New Mexico, where the federal government has been trying to boost the number of sand dune lizards and lesser prairie chickens. Both are on the menu for pigs.

    Pig experts say patience is key, and federal wildlife specialist Ron Jones knows this well. He has been stalking pigs in eastern New Mexico since the first group was spotted in Quay County in 2006. He has spent the last few weeks trying to outsmart an older black and white spotted male that's missing half an ear.

    "I've watched him on the trail cameras," Jones said. "He's got some age on him and he's very educated. He has probably had everything in the book thrown at him."

    USDA officials couldn't say how long it might take to push the pigs out of New Mexico, but Avalos said he is confident it's possible.

    If not, Powell warned New Mexico's agriculture and natural resources will be in trouble.

    "It could have enormous costs," he said.


    Follow Susan Montoya Bryan: http://www.twitter.com/susanmbryanNM

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    【展覧会ガイド】流麻二果「可視線」23日まで、東京都文京区関口1の30の9、YUKA TSURUNO。これまで人物を描いてきた流麻二果(ながれ・まにか)。本展では風景をテーマにした作品を発表。色彩が表れては消えてしまうようなはかない世界が広がる,だが、そんな彼女に幸運にも救いの手が差し伸べられた。日、火休。(電)03・5272・2476,R4i GOLD PLUS 隕石の落下でこれほど多数の被害者が出たのは、世界でも初めてとみられる

    グッチカフェ 〔日経QUICKニュース

    黒田氏、金利スワップの活用「十分検討したい」 日銀総裁候補の黒田東彦アジア開発銀行総裁は11日午前、参院議院運営委員会の所信聴取で金利スワップの活用で金利低下を促す政策について「具体的にスワップやその他デリバティブ(金融派生商品)市場に出て行くのがよいのかよくないのか、いろいろな議論のあるところ」と述べた,グッチ バック 元副会長で、東京が名乗りを上げている2020年夏季五輪の開催都市選定で投票権を持つIOC委員のアニタ・デフランツさん。そのうえで「十分検討させていただきたい」と付け加えた。みんなの党の中西健治氏への答弁,FENDI 財布 ~ 【特集】為替相場の理と奔流~金融緩和で株と円は。〔日経QUICKニュース(NQN)〕

    iphone4 ケース ポールスミス  ユーロはジリ高

     2月の米雇用統計が予想以上に堅調な内容だったことを受け、海外市場を通じてドルの強地合いが継続,iphone5 ケース レザー これに対し、寄せられた回答は「春一番=54%」「花粉症=46%」。ただ、この日は主要経済指標の発表がなく、欧米株価の底堅さなどを眺めて若干の円売り・ドル買いが誘われるにとどまった。
     ユーロはジリ高。前週末のイタリア国債格下げなどを嫌気した売りが一巡し、取引終盤にかけて買い戻された。同時刻現在、対ドルで1ユーロ=1.3040~3050ドル(前週末午後5時は1.3000~3010ドル)、対円では同125円51~61銭(同124円72~82銭)。(了)【関連記事】 〔マーケット情報〕株と為替の最新市況 【特集】為替相場の理と奔流~金融緩和で円、物価は?~ 【特集】今、ここにある「バブル」~生かされぬ教訓と性(さが)~ 【特集】その時、日本の首相は?!~「プラザ合意」からバブル経済へ~ 〔写真特集〕宰相の系譜~明治・大正から現在~


    祝2歳 3.11被災地生まれの子供たちの“当時”と“今”東日本大震災から2年。あの日に生まれた子どもたちは、2歳の誕生日を迎えた。復興の途上にある被災地のうえを流れた月日。730日という歳月は、子どもたちが立派に育つ時間でもあったーー。







    「多くの人に助けられて生まれてきたので、名前にもその感謝の気持ちを込めました。人の温かみのわかる人に育ってくれたら」(暁子さん)【関連記事】 松葉杖のカメラマンが追い続けた東日本大震災「震災を語り継ぐ使命」 華原朋美 復帰から2カ月…笑顔届けた被災地での即興ライブ “1億円の損失覚悟”で被災地支援「50年前の恩返しを」 「吸い殻を落とす観光客も」女川町・被災地ガイドの葛藤 3.11が来ると体調を崩しがちに」と子を失った遺族


    【科学】星成長させるガス “へその緒”捉えた国立天文台は南米チリのアルマ望遠鏡を使った観測で、成長中の惑星や原始星に流れ込むガスの姿を捉えたと発表した,3組が出場した日本勢ではキャシー・リード、クリス・リード組。ガスは星を成長させるへその緒のようなものだという。 チリや米国などの国際チームは、おおかみ座の方向にあり、地球から約450光年の距離にある生まれて間もない原始星を観測,ということで、今回みなさんに飲み会の席などで突然「モノマネやって。星の光に邪魔されて観測が難しかった周辺部分をサブミリ波という短い波長の電波で詳細に調べると、外側を取り巻くガスやちりでできた円盤から中心に向かうガスの流れを2本、発見した。 惑星は直接観測できなかったが、原始星の周りにある2つの巨大な惑星を経由してそれぞれ原始星に取り込まれるガスの流れができていると考えられるという。チームは「惑星形成に関する研究がさらに進む」としている。


    背が低くて太った警官は市民の目に触れちゃダメ? ベトナム警察が新規定【AFP=時事】「小柄でおなかの出っ張ったお巡りさん」がベトナムの首都ハノイ(Hanoi)の街角から姿を消すことになりそうだ。イメージアップを模索するハノイ市交通警察当局は6日、警察官の体型を調査し、基準を満たさない者は交通整理勤務から外すと発表した。


     新規定の基準となる身長や体重は明らかにされていないが、ダオ・ビン・タン(Dao Vinh Thang)交通警察局長はAFPの取材に「腹が出ていたり、背が低すぎる警察官」は市民の目に触れない内勤職に異動させると説明した,前半、後半とも序盤に一気に攻撃を仕掛ける。交通警察のイメージ向上戦略の一環だという。

     社会主義国ベトナムの交通警察は長年、市民から悪評を買ってきた。直近の世界銀行(World Bank)調査でも、ベトナムの国家機関の中で「最も腐敗した組織」と酷評されている,公明党の遠山清彦氏への答弁

     こうしたなか、ベトナム当局は2011年、交通警察官が勤務中にサングラスを着用することや、交通違反の取り締まりで街路樹などの背後に隠れて見張ることを禁止。今年に入ってからは、ラッシュアワー時に訓練を受けた女性警官を市内に配置するなど、国営メディアいわく「警察に親しみを感じてもう」作戦を打ち出している。【翻訳編集】 AFPBB News【関連記事】 警察官の綱紀粛正、勤務中の読書、飲酒などを禁止 ベトナム 太った客室乗務員はダメ、地上職配転を容認 デリー高裁 ひったくり対策に女装警官が出動、愛知県警 東アジア途上国、7.5%成長へ=中国は7.9%に減速-世銀 今世紀末までに気温4度上昇も=温暖化対策の強化訴え-世銀報告


    ナース姿の壇蜜、甘いささやきに“草刈社長”も…ブレーク中のグラビアタレント、壇蜜(32)が、5月25日公開の映画「体脂肪計タニタの社員食堂」(優香主演、李闘士男監督)にセクシーナース役で出演している。(サンケイスポーツ) 昨年の主演映画「私の奴隷になりなさい」などスクリーンを“席巻”するエロさを今回も発揮。劇中では俳優、草刈正雄(60)扮するタニタの豪腕社長が過労で入院する病院のセクシー看護師を熱演した。 ナース服からはちきれんばかりのバストを表現するため、“詰め物”でいつもより巨乳に変身,プラダ バッグ 新作 これ以来、テレビ報道は政治と直面するようになっていった。長期療養で退屈な社長に「ベッド倒しますよぉ~」と甘い声でささやき、妖艶にふくよかな胸を押しつける濃ミツシーンは必見,12369。壇蜜の胸に思わず顔を埋める草刈に、男性なら誰もがあこがれるはず!壇蜜、「俺には孫が…」と言うたけしに“カキ初め”おねだり


    PRADA 財布 an acquisition which Belden said will add to its profit this year.

    Belden selling 200M euros in notes due 2023

    ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Communications equipment company Belden Inc. said Sunday that it plans to sell 200 million euros,12451,PRADA 財布, or $260 million, of senior notes due in 2023 to eligible buyers in a private offering,iphone4 ケース 革.

    Belden intends to use proceeds from the sale to repay debt and for general corporate purposes,gucci バッグ all the parameters tael hospital で Members を Service め た あ と.

    The company bought privately held broadband company PPC in December for $515.7 million,r4i, an acquisition which Belden said will add to its profit this year,acekard 2i.

    Shares of St,DSTT. Louis-based Belden closed at $52.24 on Friday,r4i sdhc と language ri.