
Akihabara on itself to host the &quot

Must be high, Jirenshi AKB West album "no problem"For the reason of delay
Kodansha manga magazine "Youth magazine" and became AKB48 sent Kasai Tomomi (21) hand bra on the photo, Fujita Tomoko take, for I-mode · boom "wool merchant" device famous publishing producer Gao Xuji Mr. said: (65 years old) "no problem" (photo) that.

this day, Tokyo, Akihabara on itself to host the "third adorable queen contest" of Mr. Takasu "the beauty of a woman's thigh!"Emphasize.The photo is juvenile Hexi chest hands hidden things inappropriate is considered to be "absolutely no problem.I published a book in 100, pornography of ah "always in the sex challenge.

this day, young people magazine editorial official HP "Hexi photobook" also like?"Is a fixed content while the sale, discuss", released on white paper not to say.In addition, the game is miss love shine.Articles related to [Osero] Nakajima, call true female soothsayer "don't believe?"...To say AKB Jirenshi Hexi photos are not appropriate, and with delayed launch album release white West empty-handed "not happy mood let judgment"...With the extension of AKB, and the sale Hexi empty-handed photos using suspension, album white paper discusses high must base kernels, AKB48, Kasai Tomomi survey
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